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WXII poll says keep the flag up in S.C.


Posted 4:34 pm, 06/24/2015

I've been reading this thread and the consensus seems to be the Confederate flag stands for racism. The Stars and Stripes on the other hand is pure. We should not fly the Confederate flag because it offends some people. They say we should only fly the Union American flag because no one is offended by it. My question is what about the first Americans that were all but wiped off the nation? Many Native Americans view our Union flag as racist. Look at what happened to them by the soldiers standing under the Stars and Stripes. The atrocities committed by the Union against the Indians were in many ways worse than the atrocities committed by the south. No one thinks about the Native Americans because the Union destroyed their tribes. People need to think before pointing fingers.


Posted 1:57 pm, 06/24/2015


Posted 1:40 pm, 06/24/2015

Tell that the Muslims In America that complain about and are offended by THE STARS AND STRIPES being flown...... By Americans In America......


Posted 1:35 pm, 06/24/2015



Posted 12:28 pm, 06/24/2015

Well, you can always prove me wrong, you unrepentant racist, you. Do you join Gov. Haley, the governor of Alabama, Sen, Graham, and others in asking for the removal of the Confederate flag from state grounds? Do you also condemn Roof's burning of our nation's flag. I mean, you haven't yet...strangely quiet, I'd say. Or do you still yet hold our nation's flag on equal footing with the Confederate flag?

Answer, or run away, you little worm.


Posted 12:10 pm, 06/24/2015

Once again swc-da presents symptoms of premature speculation with sanctimonious blathering concurrent. I do not own a Stars and Bars. My flag of choice that I proudly and appropriately display is Daddy's 48-star. Keep digging, IDtenT, you'll never get to the bottom of your hole!


Posted 11:51 am, 06/24/2015

Without saying a word, walk around waving a Nazi flag and see what reaction you get.

The Nazi flag only took on the significance when Hitler took power.

The word "swastika" comes from the Sanskrit svastika - "su" meaning "good," "asti" meaning "to be," and "ka" as a suffix.


no one ever talks about the origin of the swastika but what it represents now.


Posted 11:45 am, 06/24/2015

So bk22 is against the first ammendment

Top Soil

Posted 11:43 am, 06/24/2015

Joseph T. (view profile)

Posted 10:38 am, 06/24/2015

I detest the burning of the flag but that is his right to do so what I hate even more is people who try to trample the right of others because they don't like what they are doing..
What rights of yours are they trampling? Are you forbidden from displaying the confederate flag? If so, then that is an affront to your 1st amendment rights


Posted 11:36 am, 06/24/2015

Thank you, state of Alabama and Gov. Bentley.



Posted 10:50 am, 06/24/2015


Posted 10:48 am, 06/24/2015

Awesome! That's one...can you direct me to any others?

Joseph T.

Posted 10:38 am, 06/24/2015

shouldawouldacoulda (view profile)

Posted 10:32 am, 06/24/2015

I'm also disheartened that no conservatives on here, to the best of my knowledge, have condemned Roof for burning the American flag. Usually conservatives are all over someone when that happens, but they've been strangely quiet this time. Feel free to direct me to the appropriate post if I've just happened to miss the condemnation.

I detest the burning of the flag but that is his right to do so what I hate even more is people who try to trample the right of others because they don't like what they are doing..


Posted 10:32 am, 06/24/2015

I'm also disheartened that no conservatives on here, to the best of my knowledge, have condemned Roof for burning the American flag. Usually conservatives are all over someone when that happens, but they've been strangely quiet this time. Feel free to direct me to the appropriate post if I've just happened to miss the condemnation.

Top Soil

Posted 10:21 am, 06/24/2015

BK22 (view profile)

Posted 9:14 am, 06/24/2015

Where were all of you crybabies that want the confederate flag removed before this tragedy? That shooting had absolutely nothing to do with that flag and everything to do with pure evil. If the confederate flag is disrespectful to some people every flag except the American flag should be banned. People who come to America to better their lives and fly the flag of the country where they came from makes me cringe. If where you came from and the culture there is so great go home! This is the greatest and most diversely cultured country on earth so leave your country rags where you came from.

ummm...besides the fact that the shooter used the flag as a symbol for racism.

A flag is not only a symbol, its a declaration of what that symbol embodies. If the shooter waved the NAZI flag while shooting up that church, you would have no issue with a State choosing to remove it from state property, And, to argue your point, had the shooter waved the US flag while shooting up the church, everyone will make the comment that the shooter was misguided and used the flag as a symbol inappropriately. So I understand both sides of the argument.

But, the common understanding is that the confederate flag is a symbol of racism, and because of the nature of the attack, it is still an open wound for S.C. and as a state, they have the right to display or not display it.

Top Soil

Posted 10:03 am, 06/24/2015

the S.C. confederate flag issue has been around for a while now. The reason It gained momentum is because the nature of the shooting, along with the use of the flag by the killer, and the fact the state of S.C. has been back and forth about the flag.





Posted 9:14 am, 06/24/2015

Where were all of you crybabies that want the confederate flag removed before this tragedy? That shooting had absolutely nothing to do with that flag and everything to do with pure evil. If the confederate flag is disrespectful to some people every flag except the American flag should be banned. People who come to America to better their lives and fly the flag of the country where they came from makes me cringe. If where you came from and the culture there is so great go home! This is the greatest and most diversely cultured country on earth so leave your country rags where you came from.

Top Soil

Posted 9:04 am, 06/24/2015

#Worstpresidentever (view profile)

Posted 8:40 am, 06/24/2015

Nobody let the rednecks and white supremacists commandeer the Confederate flag. They stole it much like the gays commandeered a nice word (gay) for their own and are now trying to steal our rainbow. Believe me I cringe when I see the photos of this idiot Roof holding the flag.

Etymology shows us that the definition of words change over time based on how people use them. Also symbols change meaning based on their use(Semiotics).

The use of the rainbow and the word 'Gay' is now linked to h*mosexuality.

The use of the Confederate flag is now linked to racism. i.e The Confederate flag being introduced to the design of Georgia's State flag two years after Brown v. Board of Education in protest against desegregation.

Look at the Swastika, originally it was a Buddhist symbol for good fortune, now if you doodle one on your notepad you are thought to be anti-Semitic.


Posted 8:57 am, 06/24/2015


Posted 8:40 am, 06/24/2015

Nobody let the rednecks and white supremacists commandeer the Confederate flag. They stole it much like the gays commandeered a nice word (gay) for their own and are now trying to steal our rainbow. Believe me I cringe when I see the photos of this idiot Roof holding the flag.

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