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WXII poll says keep the flag up in S.C.


Posted 8:22 am, 06/24/2015

Nice spin, you foolish racist. Enjoy your Confederate flag. And keep posting your little racists rants, too. It's nice to know who are the little filthy cretins are.


Posted 8:13 am, 06/24/2015

AGAIN, swc-da is the only one on here making that association. I merely said that to ban all battle flags from public buildings leaves nowhere to display Old Glory. Eat your words, fool, once you've taken leaps nobody else is stupid enough to make!

Obama's My Messiah

Posted 8:00 am, 06/24/2015

Ban all flags. We don't need anyone waving the American flag and then going on a killing spree. If we have no guns and no flags we would no longer have murder. Follow our Messiah


Posted 7:27 am, 06/24/2015

Nice try, nice spin. I don't need the history lesson, especially from someone whose "logic" would, at any point in time, equate the flag of the United States of America with the flag of white supremacy, the flag of treason, the battle flag of secession. Sorry, but most folks wouldn't have a mind that worked that way.

You've been called out on here for some pretty bad comments in the past, like refering to protesters with sickening racist language. It was vile, and it was deleted, thankfully.

Now, you think the flag of our country and the flag of white supremacy have equal footing? Again, sickening.


Posted 7:08 am, 06/24/2015



Posted 6:36 am, 06/24/2015

I am not easily amazed, however it is amazing that swc-da would take the leap necessary to twist my last post beyond logic. A mandate was stated that no more battle flags shoulda appear on government property. That notion is absurd. Need I remind the perpetrator of that indulgence, the Stars and Stripes has been gloriously carried in battle throughout the known world by our military as a symbol of the right and might of the United States of America. Francis Scott Key wrote his famous poem to memorialize our banner during the War of 1812 at the battle of Baltimore. It is a symbol of conquest captured in the famous photograph of the battle of Iwo Jima in WWII and more recently by firemen in the aftermath of 9/11. So to opine that no more battle flags adorn our public buildings is a leap into the abyss of stupidity that I, for one, am not willing to take. Referring to a line from Okie from Muskogee: " We still wave Old Glory down at the courthouse", one woulda think that coulda suffice to make this point!


Posted 4:46 am, 06/24/2015

And if anyone thinks the Civil War didn't have anything to do with slavery, I suggest you actually read the declarations of secession from South Carolina, etc.



Posted 3:58 am, 06/24/2015

Wow. Conrad, did you seriously just equate the American flag with a flag representing treason against the very country you live in? As the two being equal? Wow.

My God. Where does your allegiance lie? If you can't see the difference in proudly displaying the flag of the very place you call home and displaying a flag representing white supremacy at worst, and treason at best...how twisted are you? How could you possibly even think for a second they are equal?

What ugliness lives in the heart of some people.


Posted 1:38 am, 06/24/2015

It is not about blame. It is about respect. What is harmless and inanimate to you and me can cause others to suffer.
The blame, in this case, lies with the white supremacy movement. In my case, the Nazi's.
It is not your fault or my fault. It just is what it is.
If you truly believe that the flag is not the problem, proudly display one in your house. Talk to others that visit regarding it's meaning for you.
No need to demand from others that they accept your belief, when the bad guys have taken that away.


Posted 1:27 am, 06/24/2015

Many if not most fought in the civil war not for slavery but because they did not like outsiders telling them what they could and couldn't do.

like owning another human being??


Posted 1:19 am, 06/24/2015

Your right bestill its a shame good and noble things are used for hate and other vile things with that being said I just feel like some people are blaming a inatimant object for the cause of racism when to me racisim is taught at an early age and its not just a southern thing it is a world thing and just hiding or getting rid of parts of history won't change it but its us embracing our history and learning from it we can change how we are taught maybe I'm wrong for having that opinion but its my opinion.


Posted 12:52 am, 06/24/2015

And I completely get where you are coming from regarding your personal view and upbringing. What you neglect is probably not your fault. Think about those folks who enjoy that Civil War reenactment stuff. Folks do not take issue with that. Folks do not take issue with your love of history.
Folks do not hold the swastika against me for religious reasons. But I have to face the fact that good things, noble things, can be used to promote the worst of things. When that happens, you gotta show folks some respect, regardless.


Posted 12:42 am, 06/24/2015

Of course I did and do. The swastika being taken over by the Nazi's was before my time. I can still have a swastika in my home for devotional purposes, but I am not foolish enough to campaign to have it flown from a public building. I know how offensive it can be and I do not wish to offend folks just because the Nazi's used it for nepharious purpose.


Posted 12:37 am, 06/24/2015

Bestill (view profile)
Posted 12:27 am, 06/24/2015
So why didn't you complain when folks started abusing your flag? Everybody knows since ever since that the flag has come to represent white supremacy. The flag has not been about the war ever since.

Bestill as I have done said .....that was before my time I had nothing to do with anyone abusing a flag you call my flag and I was raised to know different so I am not sure where you are going with this or what you trying to get at. Out of respect for your age did you denounce the hatred then or are you just jumping on the bandwagon now ?


Posted 12:29 am, 06/24/2015

No different from the swastika.


Posted 12:27 am, 06/24/2015

So why didn't you complain when folks started abusing your flag? Everybody knows since ever since that the flag has come to represent white supremacy. The flag has not been about the war ever since.


Posted 12:05 am, 06/24/2015

Have a big old racist blast

Just as I figured you would call me a racist smh , I'm just a dumb poor racist southerner you ASSUME is just racist ....actually you just showed your ignorance in assuming. Fact is I never agreed with slavery its wrong on all accounts the south and north both were in the wrong even those hate groups that has used the Confederate battle flag to spew hate... I enjoy studying history of the civil war and am a proud southern man who knows a flag doesn't represent racism its people that refuse to look at someone beyond their skin color and see they are human and the only way we will over come racism is if we stop looking at the past pointing fingers of what happened years before I was born seeing each other as human beings...the only reason the flag is controversial is because this idiot used it for his own hateful heart and its his heart that is in the wrong not a flag that was used in battle to differentiate the south from the north.


Posted 12:04 am, 06/24/2015

AH, the blissful existence continues. "No more battle flags on public buildings". And just where are we supposed to hang Old Glory?


Posted 11:35 pm, 06/23/2015

Actually, you can fly whatever flag you want to at Casa de Farmer. Have a big old racist blast.

But, as most people are starting to agree with, no more "battle flags" on government property. It's way past time...around 150 years, to be exact.


Posted 11:34 pm, 06/23/2015

It stopped being a symbol of the Civil War when you let the white supremacists commandeer it. As a symbol of the war, it is probably better in a museum.

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