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Trump loses debate


Posted 7:21 pm, 08/09/2015

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 6:27 pm, 08/09/2015

Maybe this will happen next time...


sparkling water

Posted 6:18 pm, 08/09/2015

He is just being honest. Politicians aren't a dime a dozen but they can be bought. I think Trump ought to post a list of politicians he has purchased, the purchase price and the benefit he enjoyed as a result of his purchase.


Posted 5:59 pm, 08/09/2015

I love how he is so open to talking about how easy it is to buy a politician. Roger Ailes head must be about ready to explode.


Posted 5:44 pm, 08/09/2015

At least Trump is paying for his own campaign , not even fox noise can tell him what to say.


1goddess (view profile)

Posted 3:48 pm, 08/09/2015

The uproar of Trumps insults to women and Megyn...are doing just exactly what Trump wants it to do... bring most of the attention to himself and that's not entirely a bad thing....as it's killing the Republican party.

But, I'll say this...just like Rosie, Megyn and all the others...if'n ya gonna play in politics or if'n ya gonna play on the big screen of broadcast tv...you best be putting on your big girl panties...and some of you fellas need to be changing them loose net boxers for tighty whities!!!!

I'm hoping ole Trump will stick around a whole lot longer....if for no other reason than to split the votes any which way he can!
Very well put goddess.


Posted 5:08 pm, 08/09/2015

Donald Trump knows bankruptcy. He will void our dept to China. Let's see how the world bankers like those apples!


Posted 5:04 pm, 08/09/2015

You idiots should be praying for anyone besides another democrat getting into office. Obama has done nothing for you peons, he was to busy helping his pal billionaire Warren Buffet and Wall Street. What are you getting on your meager savings accounts? Maybe 1 %? Got a raise at your job lately, or do you even have one?

LOL... you've got just what you deserve in the White House.


Posted 4:58 pm, 08/09/2015

Trump may have lost the debate in the eyes of some people but in my eyes he won the debate hands down. He should be the Republican nominee for our next president.

this n that

Posted 4:01 pm, 08/09/2015

No Elmo I didn't take it you were talking to me. I'm not a Trump supporter...yet...and I've become less so.

However, If it's Trump against...the crook, the old socialist, of the laughing hyena, then it's Trump.

And I meant to add while I was here before to Ugotpaid,, I agree with you. If those questions of Trump's past about women was not ask, every liberal rag in the country would have been talking about nothing else.


Posted 4:00 pm, 08/09/2015

she hasn't respond to any of the post on her "page"....and most of them aren't exactly...what I would call complimentary...

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 3:58 pm, 08/09/2015

i don't believe she has uttered one word about the things trump has said about her. i certainly haven't seen anything.


Posted 3:56 pm, 08/09/2015

In Kelly's defense, I'm not sure she's complained much (or at all) about it, has she?

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 3:52 pm, 08/09/2015

no need to hurry back or even apologize to me, i had no interest in speaking with you directly today or any other day. actually the only reason i responded to you at all is because i was asked a question.

now if you self identify as a Rump supporter, that is not my problem. and if you take offense that is not my problem either. i never called anyone out by name ...

for myself, i was speaking in general terms about people not defending the candidate they were delirious for only a week ago. was trump treated fairly or is he the distasteful fool that megyn kelly tried to paint him as???? no need to make it about me ... is this a trump/fox news issue


Posted 3:48 pm, 08/09/2015

The uproar of Trumps insults to women and Megyn...are doing just exactly what Trump wants it to do... bring most of the attention to himself and that's not entirely a bad thing....as it's killing the Republican party.

But, I'll say this...just like Rosie, Megyn and all the others...if'n ya gonna play in politics or if'n ya gonna play on the big screen of broadcast tv...you best be putting on your big girl panties...and some of you fellas need to be changing them loose net boxers for tighty whities!!!!

I'm hoping ole Trump will stick around a whole lot longer....if for no other reason than to split the votes any which way he can!


Posted 3:48 pm, 08/09/2015

Are you a boot licker or a leg humper? Just curious.

this n that

Posted 3:44 pm, 08/09/2015

Sorry I couldn't get back faster to trade insults with you. Had to play a few hands of Bridge, and now it's my turn to set this one out.

Before I go back to Bridge, I'm curious to know...Do you people ever re read the really nasty things you say to ever one who disagrees with you.

You are as rude and nasty as anyone on here , yet here you are like butter won't melt in your mouth.
And all this, just because someone might vote for Trump, given the chance. You're ugly and mean SOB's

"i have been making a list of the GW Trump Boot Lickers as they have popped up over the last few weeks.. amazing how he was saying everything right a few days ago .... and now nothing from his leg humpers. it's not like they don't see these threads. they have been posting for over 2 days .... but no love for the Duck."


Posted 3:40 pm, 08/09/2015

I don't think megyn Kelly asked trump a bad question he is running for president and his comments on women is fair game in my opinion. His mistake was how he answered her question, instead of manning up and answering with dignity, he chose the spoiled little child route and went further after the fact, so he in my opinion is why he himself lost the debate not megyns fault.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 3:31 pm, 08/09/2015

things sure do nosedive fast around here


Posted 3:06 pm, 08/09/2015

Don't worry, Umpire. I doubt God listens to that nut.


Posted 3:06 pm, 08/09/2015

Karl Rove bobblehead.


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