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Official Super Bowl 50 Thread

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 10:55 am, 02/09/2016

I completely agree. And you and I know there aren't super heroes but he sure enjoys acting like one.


Posted 10:48 am, 02/09/2016

It's a very simple explanation - he lost, he was upset. He heard the other team talking about them. When you lose are you happy? Kids understand more than most give them credit. Cam isn't a super hero, he play football. There's no such thing are super heroes.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 10:43 am, 02/09/2016

The post-game interview of the losers is always is ridiculous. How would anyone feel losing the the Super Bowl? What happened? Well, what just happened? It's stupid. Expected answers to obvious questions.

But Cam is the face of the franchise now and an example to lots of kids who idolize him and he's getting paid millions to do so. Regardless of what he was hearing, he just had to hold it together for a few minutes. I don't blame him or fault him or really care but I didn't have to explain to my kids why their self-proclaimed super hero acted like he did in that interview.


Posted 10:07 am, 02/09/2016


Posted 9:44 am, 02/09/2016

Honestly, I'll never understand the concept of a "good loser". If losing doesn't make you emotional and just a tad irritated, then you need to quit playing.

Exactly. If you don't get upset when you lose and excited when you win, it's time to find something else to do.

NC268 - Stop posting then. If you do not care, just skip this thread.


Posted 9:44 am, 02/09/2016

Honestly, I'll never understand the concept of a "good loser". If losing doesn't make you emotional and just a tad irritated, then you need to quit playing.


Posted 8:30 am, 02/09/2016

Now we will see the real panthers fans come out not the so called fans that started rooting for them just cause they had a good season. #keeppounding. #panthernation I will always be a die hard Panther fan


Posted 8:22 am, 02/09/2016

who cares it;s over CAROLINA lost deal with it GEZZZZZZ


Posted 8:21 am, 02/09/2016

Peyton Manning loses super bowl doesn't shake anyone's hand and nothing is said.

Tom Brady cheats and gets away with it (favorite part of super bowl was when he was booed).

Heck Michael Vick is a convicted felon and is still playing.

But people are butt hurt over a bit of dancing and Cam walking out of a press conference where he can here the other team talking, is spoiled. Passion. keep pounding.


Posted 9:45 pm, 02/08/2016

hangsleft (view profile)

Posted 7:42 pm, 02/08/2016

I've never had a problem-dance when you're scoring.

Heck I do a dance when I score. I even dance when I score alone. It's normally a single player game anyway. UGH

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 9:39 pm, 02/08/2016

Humble is smug? Maybe because he doesn't dance...

I dunno


Posted 8:59 pm, 02/08/2016

Peyton Manning is smug?


Posted 8:27 pm, 02/08/2016

Yeah Cam is a little over the top but like I said before how many other teams do you see the QB instructing the team to give kids a football? That is something that can change a kids life. Manning is no doubt one of the best ever but his smug attitude could use a tune up. What will you people say about Peyton if it turns out he is another Lance Armstrong?


Posted 7:42 pm, 02/08/2016

I've never had a problem-dance when you're scoring.


Posted 5:42 pm, 02/08/2016

I saw him om Good Morning America and he said he hadn't been to bed... lol


Posted 5:40 pm, 02/08/2016

Manning said twice he was going to drink a lot of budwiser last night. Bet those Clydesdales are stomping on that head today.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 5:01 pm, 02/08/2016

That's what I saw...


Posted 4:59 pm, 02/08/2016

I saw Cam walk across the field and he and Peyton slapped each other's shoulders - kinda like a hug. It was right after the coaches met.


Posted 4:57 pm, 02/08/2016

I Hate Cam Newton

Posted 4:56 pm, 02/08/2016

I'm so happy Cam came across as the self-centered show off loser that he is. I could dance a little jig myself.

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