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National Concealed Carry permit


Posted 6:12 pm, 01/08/2017

If the firing/safety mechanism of a semi-auto pistol is not worn, defective and has never been tampered with, they are very unlikely to accidentally discharge even when dropped. That's too many ifs but you can sleep with a Remington 700 pointed at your head if you like.

Joseph T.

Posted 6:08 pm, 01/08/2017

No I mean if his doctor or someone else can prove he's a danger then goto to court with that info.


Posted 5:52 pm, 01/08/2017

You mean, like... an annual exam where he would have shown that he's mentally competent?

Joseph T.

Posted 5:49 pm, 01/08/2017

antithesis (view profile)

Posted 5:38 pm, 01/08/2017

Does anyone here believe that someone actively suffering from PTSD, has recently spent 4 days in a psychological center, and currently believes that the CIA is trying to force him to join ISIS (this described the Ft. Lauderdale shooter) should be legally allowed to own guns with no restrictions?

No I don't but I do believe he or any one else should get their day in court before their rights are remove by some government lackey.


Posted 5:38 pm, 01/08/2017

Does anyone here believe that someone actively suffering from PTSD, has recently spent 4 days in a psychological center, and currently believes that the CIA is trying to force him to join ISIS (this described the Ft. Lauderdale shooter) should be legally allowed to own guns with no restrictions?


Joseph T.

Posted 5:34 pm, 01/08/2017

Crypt (view profile)

Posted 2:30 pm, 01/08/2017

I believe any sane, reasonable man or woman should strap a 500 mag on their hip if that's what it takes to make them feel safe, without being confronted by any LEO. Now a sane, reasonable person will not have the hammer pulled back. That's the problem I have with concealed carry, noone knows but the nut behind them if that semi-auto is already chambered.

And what about pistol that are design to be carried in condition one. That is round chambered hammer back and safety on.

Joseph T.

Posted 5:31 pm, 01/08/2017


Posted 2:10 pm, 01/08/2017

This Open carry nonsense needs to stopped also Its not the wild west anymore

To bad the NC Supreme Court ruled in State v. Dawson citing State v. Huntly that the citizen is at perfect liberty to carry his gun for either business or amusement.

can't fool me

Posted 3:56 pm, 01/08/2017

Your last post proves how little gun knowledge you possess, as Conrad pointed out, a Glock 27 with a chambered round is no more inherently dangerous than a 5 shot 38 revolver.


Posted 3:27 pm, 01/08/2017

This is where the stupid part comes in.

To properly discharge a "semi-auto" with a round in the chamber 3 things must occur. Let the safe off, ****the hammer and then squeeze the trigger, assuming the carrier was carrying safely AND prepared to sight on target.

With a revolver on the other hand, all one has to do is squeeze the trigger after leaving the hammer resting on an empty cylinder and once again prepared to sight on target.

Tell that to the folks in chi****, liberal, although I must agree, most of the violence there occurs on the south side, not so much on the west. There gun laws seem to be working just swell for them.


Posted 2:30 pm, 01/08/2017

I believe any sane, reasonable man or woman should strap a 500 mag on their hip if that's what it takes to make them feel safe, without being confronted by any LEO. Now a sane, reasonable person will not have the hammer pulled back. That's the problem I have with concealed carry, noone knows but the nut behind them if that semi-auto is already chambered.


Posted 2:10 pm, 01/08/2017

This Open carry nonsense needs to stopped also Its not the wild west anymore

Joseph T.

Posted 10:29 am, 01/08/2017

Let's not forget one doesn't need a CHP to carry a handgun since open carry is legal in NC.


Posted 10:26 am, 01/08/2017

Anybody who has successfully completed a concealed carry class knows how to carry safely.

Otherwise you might as well have a rock!

Joseph T.

Posted 10:11 am, 01/08/2017

What good is carrying a gun for defense if the gun isn't loaded?


Posted 7:06 am, 01/08/2017

Yes, most of the nuts carrying a concealed handgun into Walmart with a round chambered, are not really even qualified to own a BB gun.


Posted 6:55 am, 01/08/2017

My concealed weapons permit basically allows me to carry a pistol on my person, and make future gun purchases easier, if I wanted to. The legal reasons for using that weapon are limited. I don't have a love for guns, and have recognized them as killing tools since childhood. I was tasked with shooting our hogs, and didn't really like it, but I knew no more daily looking after them, and couldn't wait to salt and pepper those cracklin's straight out of the big cook pots.

I am much, much more concerned with distracted drivers on their electronic devices or whatever, for which I have no defense other than trying to stay alert.

Drunk or otherwise impaired driving used to be near the top of the list, but now has dropped further down.


Posted 9:14 pm, 01/06/2017

You miss the point, anti. It is a part of human nature to exhibit violence. If you legislate away every tool that could possibly be used to commit violence folks would be left with their bare hands. Why do you think boxing has the following it does?

Even a large trash bag is the poor man's garrote, with a built in disposal system.

But do you not agree that it makes the most sense to start at the top and take care of the tool that is used the most, before you move on to the lesser ones?

90% of lung cancer comes from tobacco smoke, and 10% comes from radon exposure. Would you argue that we shouldn't regulate smoking since it wouldn't help the people that get lung cancer from radon exposure? The logic doesn't really make sense.

As I showed you before, 68% of all murders, 41% of robberies, and 21% of aggravated assaults are committed with firearms. If we have a federal policy to regulate those guns and ensure that the owners aren't mentally incompetent and can demonstrate basic safety standards, we would at least eliminate a lot of the accidental shootings and murders from the mentally incompetent (like the shooter in the airport with PTSD).

Wouldn't you agree that someone suffering from PTSD and believes that the CIA is trying to force him to join ISIS really shouldn't be legally allowed to own guns until his mental problems are under control?


Posted 7:00 pm, 01/06/2017

You really are a moron. Transporting firearms is perfectly legal as long as the laws at both the departure state and destination are followed and the FAA rules are followed. You can't restrict transporting weapons.


Posted 6:55 pm, 01/06/2017

Transporting a firearm on an airplane will be restricted also.


Posted 6:39 pm, 01/06/2017

Having a concealed carry permit is not what allowed him to transport a firearm on an airplane. Try thinking just once.

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